

Showing 3 results for September 2020.

“Ghastly, puritanical, po-faced, sanctimonious, finger-wagging, Woke-Witchfinder-in-Chief” Toby Young, Twitter “Sphincter-poppingly angry, totally unamusing and uninsightful, and painfully, excruciatingly right-on. A bitter, politically correct member of the Remain-voting liberal elite. The type of comedy which is not designed to provoke laughter so much as solemn head-nodding and applause at the politically correct sentiment.” James Delingpole, Steve…

Virus / Tornado Work in Progresseseses - September 2020 September 11th, 2020

Dear FANS I am doing some small shows to work out a rewrite of the SNOWFLAKE half of SNOWFLAKE/TORNADO which hits the road again to complete its interrupted tour next Spring. The shows will be one hour and will be messy new material. They will take place under social distance rules and regs and the…

NO BBC WAR ON COMEDY - September 2020 September 5th, 2020

DEAR ALL I know you do not sign up to this list for my opinions but this has been an important week for comedy. The time line goes like this; MONDAY – New BBC DG Tim Davie announces that on Thursday he will make a speech about how the BBC must include diverse viewpoints. TUESDAY…