A tiny teenage girl Hackney Hipster version of Stewart Lee stands outside the Dalston Rio cinema to declare…
“Our labour of love Nightingales rockumentary King Rocker knocks most rockumentaries into a cocked hat.
“I loved every minute” – Ben Dowell, The Times
**** Financial Times
**** Chortle
“One of the best music documentaries of all time” – The Quietus
“The new gold standard for rockumentaries” – The Scotsman
If you live in London come to the KING ROCKER XMAS FUN NIGHT, a screening at Dalston Rio Cinema on Dec 16th at 8.45, followed by q&a w me and dir Michael Cumming (Brass Eye, Toast)
You can also now watch it, ad-free, on NOW TV if you have that https://www.nowtv.com/watch/king-rocker-2020/A5EK4mHuoHzRk73pZuoRf
KING ROCKER s/t album, w sleeve notes by me, avail Dec 3rd here
https://www.firerecords.com/product/king-rocker-ost/ (also t-shirts etc)
Following King Rocker‘s huge success earlier this year, spotlighting The Nightingales as one of the best band’s in Britain, comes the soundtrack to one of 2021’s break-out films. ‘King Rocker (Soundtrack)’ limited edition red vinyl includes sleeve notes from Stewart Lee, A3 theatrical poster and a lovingly replicated curry menu from Abdul’s in Birmingham.
I am doing some warm up dates for the rebooted SNOWFLAKE/TORNADO tour at THE STAND venues in Edinburgh, Glasgow and Newcastle from 12th-14th December.
Seating re-jigs, covid rule shifts, and standing room carve-ups mean there are a few new tickets suddenly available which will go on sale DEC 1ST at 12 noon.
Edinburgh | Sun 12 Dec | Doors 9.30pm show 10.30pm| 60 mins | Tickets here
Glasgow | Mon 13 Dec | Doors 9pm show 10pm| 60 mins | Tickets here
Newcastle | Tues 14 Dec | Doors 6pm show 7pm| 60 mins | Tickets here
Newcastle | Tues 14 Dec | Doors 9pm show 10pm| 60 mins | Tickets here
An extremely crisp recording, from 2018 at Café Oto, of THE SEEN’s tribute to the free jazz drummer John Stevens, with me reading the text, is newly available here as a digi-download.
I like to burn them onto discs and make toy cd’s.
Stew says; “The gifting season is soon upon us. But what to buy for the socially challenged, prematurely middle-aged, pseudo-intellectual man, or woman, in your life?
An enchanting Stewart Lee ‘Snowflake Tornado’ Beanie, fashioned from the highest quality material by non-slaves, makes for the perfect woke Winterval gift!”
“Christmas is coming,
And Stewart Lee is getting fat,
So please spend a penny
On a Stewart Lee hat!”
The hit All The Cheeses and Content Provider t-shirts are also all printed and ready to ship.
Tees are all unisex and are made by Bella-Canvas. High quality and 100% eco friendly production and no Sweatshops.
Shirts come in all sizes and ship worldwide. Get yours before they sell out.
Producer Michael Umney just won a BEST ARTS PRODUCER radio award for STEWART LEE – UNRELIABLE NARRATOR. Listen again here – https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m000wynk
This great book is out from the Post-Nearly Press
All five of the Post-Nearly Press Conversation Series of books compiled together for the first time and made available in colour paperback format, with original artwork and a brand new cover design by Craig Turnbull.
Featuring live face-to-face conversations, unprecedented in length, with five of the UK’s most visionary authors/artists, including: Iain Sinclair, Chris Petit, Andrew Kötting, Alan Moore and Stewart Lee.
The avant-folk dronemädchens Laura Cannell and Kate Ellis also bring the much delayed live incarnation of their These Feral Lands recording project to London’s King’s Place on Feb 18th 2022. I wrote words for four of the tracks and will attempt to do something with them on the night. I thought about where I was conceived, and where I was born, plugged the details I know into the folklore of both regions, and tried not to get in the way of Laura and Kate’s mediaeval trance music steamroller.
All the SNOWFLAKE TORNADO tour dates outstanding from 2020 will be shifted into 2022, starting in Jan, and below are the ones we know about so far. Local venues will contact you if they haven’t already. All the warm-up club dates you may have bought tickets for have been slotted in to Nov and Dec, covid willing, and venues will contact ticket holders. Please do not hassle venues about all this. They will contact you. We will get there! It’s all bacon!
I would be delighted if, if you are coming to see me, you could do your best to get vaccinated, irrespective of what the gvt or the venue insist upon. I doubt that my snowflake audience will contain many people who deny the existence of Covid or believe the vaccine is George Soros or Bill Gates trying to put tiny Transformer robots into your blood. But I and my team will be interacting with over 150 000 people on the next leg of the tour, and I would like to minimise our risk, and the risk to my audience, so meet me half way. I will be selling and signing stuff as usual, I hope, but I won’t be shaking hands to thank you all this time around, and will probably be positioned behind some kind of screen like William Shatner in Airplane 2. Sad.
My trusted sales partner Media Garage has compacted all my available stand-up dvds into one convenient on-line marketplace, with most available to d/load too. Remember, if you buy here we will pay tax on these purchases, and help with British schools and hospitals, whereas many major physical media suppliers and streaming services have found ways to avoid declaring their profits, as have NETFLIX, the transphobic bastards. AMERICANS – stop moaning about not being able to see me and visit MEDIA GARAGE! https://www.mediagarageproductions.com/store/
To try and promote King Rocker I have been pimping myself about like Priss Fotheringham on every Podcast going, alone or with dir M Cumming (Brass Eye, Toast), saying the same things in the same room in the same clothes to all different people, all of whom were very kind. I don’t know what a podcast is really but I think you go on the internet and click on something. As my grandfather once said, in 1983, “Do you know, in America, there are shops that only sell Kentucky Fried Chicken?” I enjoyed being on the internet with all these people enormously, but will put some blue water between me and the next wedge. David Baddiel told me it was good to be on the internet, though. These are available…
If you’ve ever wondered what 9000 Russian and Icelandic migrating swans would look like all hanging out at a Norfolk wetland, get yourself booked in at WELNEY any day at 3.30 until the end of Feb for this mind-melting awe-inspiring vista of nature https://www.wwt.org.uk/wetland-centres/welney/whats-on/swan-feeds-2/
Ageless folk veteran DECEMBER 1st & APRIL 16TH 2022, Café Oto London
Worthwhile comedy outlier of conviction and immense intensity. Until JAN 29th London Soho Theatre https://sohotheatre.com/shows/alfie-brown-sensitive-man/
Angry loud man and quiet electronic man. DECEMBER 1st Bristol Academy, 2nd London Printworks, 3rd Brighton Dome
Sing-speak post-punk poets DECEMBER 1st Hebden Bridge Trades, 2nd Norwich Arts Centre, 3rd Brighton Dome. FEBRUARY 14th Liverpool Arts, 15th Dublin Button, 16th Belfast Empire,. 18th Edinburgh Summerhall, 19th Glasgow QMU, 20th Leeds Brudenell, 22nd Birmingham Mill, 23rd Bristol Marble, 25th Manchester Academy 2, 26th Sheffield Leadmill 2, 27th Nottingham Rescue. MARCH 1st Southsea Wedgewood, 2nd Brighton Concorde 2, 3rd London Forum. APRIL 1st Manchester 02 Ritz.
– Who Am I? My multi-award winning wife has some dates. You can book here https://www.bridgetchristie.co.uk/gigs/
Thursday 2nd December 2021 Quarterhouse Folkestone
14th – 18th December Leicester Square Theatre London https://leicestersquaretheatre.ticketsolve.com/shows/873620281
DEC 2ND Canterbury Free Range. This night combines two valuable British voices of unbowed individuality. Parker changed the sound of the saxophone in Jazz. Electronic music obsessive Dagg is a cross between eccentric inventor Wilf Lunn and Stockhausen. I wish I could get to this. “Dagg will be using a range of vintage electronic sound sources and modifiers to improvise a dialogue with Evan parker’s saxophone performances, while using techniques such as variable tape delays and speeds, ring modulation and frequency shifting effects to expand the soundscape of the instrument.” WHAT’S NOT TO LOVE?
The legendary Scottish comedian with the gift for surreal self-sabotage simply must be seen. Rare full length shows. London Museum of Comedy, Bloomsbury 2 Dec 2021 — 4 Dec 2021 Running Time 90m inc. Interval https://museumofcomedy.ticketsolve.com/shows/873621494
Surviving members and associated acts DECEMBER 3rd + 4th, Café Oto, London
Female Fall tribute band w guest vocalists incl me. DECEMBER 5th London Lexington.
Dec 6th, Alcester, Worcs. 5.45pm. 7pm Parade, Fireworks 8.30, Church service 9pm. “The church at Alcester is dedicated to St Nicholas and his feast day is celebrated a parade featuring a boy Bishop, a Confused Graham, musicians, Morris dancers, vintage vehicles, maggot racing, a firework display and Gregorian chant. (Calendarcustoms.com)
Dec 6th, Berden, Hertfordshire; Boston, Lincolnshire; Bristol; Hereford Cathedral; Par, Cornwall; Edwinstowe, Nottinghamshire.
The custom of choosing a Boy Bishop from the members of a terrified cathedral choir is thought to date from the 13th century. Following his election he is fitted out in full Bishop cosplay including robes, mitre, whip, chequebook, ball gag, and crozier. During the ceremony the chosen chorister and his Confused Graham enter the church, or cathedral, and the new Boy Bishop takes his place on the Bishop’s throne and receives a small egg.
He then holds this egg in his hand from the Feast of St Nicholas on 6th December until Holy Innocents Day on the 28th December. During this period he enjoys many of the powers and privileges of a real Bishop, including a complimentary seat in the House of Lords, the power to influence national law and policy, and protection from child abuse investigations. (Historic-uk.com)
Dada-ish improvisors. DECEMBER 8th Brighton Rose Hill
Top free-improvisation trio DEC 8th London Iklecktik
Pretentious comedian/poet/actor’s doubtlessly obtuse and thoroughly entertaining Xmas show. Dec 8th-11th London Soho Theatre https://sohotheatre.com/shows/tim-key-crimbo-bimbo/
Always a festive treat w amazing special guests DEC 10th – 18th, London King’s Place https://cosmicshambles.com/ninelessons They’re at the ROYAL FUCKING ALBERT HALL too on Dec 14th https://www.royalalberthall.com/tickets/events/2021/brian-cox-and-robin-inces-christmas-compendium-of-reason/
Unsung gods of indie DEC 13th Lexington London
M’cr post punk visionaries on another victory lap. DECEMBER 14TH Huddersfield Parish, 16th Blackpool Waterloo, 17th/18th M’cr Ritz. JANUARY 14TH Leicester Academy, 15th Birmingham Institute. FEBRUARY 1ST Nottingham Rescue Rooms, 5th London Islington Assembly Hall
Packed pre-xmas free-improv spectacular feat ex-members of Flying Lizards, Henry Cow, Fall, Morphogenesis, Alterations etc etc DEC 16th London Iklecktic
Folk superstar fiddler currently on top form, seen at Laugharne last month DEC 21st London Union Chapel
21st DEC – Penzance Montol FestivalPenzance 12 midday onwards. A procession with traditional Guise Dancers, a Lord of Misrule, mummers, Penglaz the Hobby Horse, lanterns, a river of fire, musicians, dancers, guising, pear-knobbing, dancing, carol singing, a suet swig, a Confused Graham, a Mummers Play, Cornish Carols, and then the burning of the sun – A 10pm torchlit procession leading to a lit Beacon for the Chalking of the Mock and the bonfire. The Mock is a yule log marked in chalk with a stickman before it’s burned. York Sherrif’s Riding From 6pm. The Sheriff, on foot, is accompanied by the York Waits in their livery; they process around the city in a large clay beaker, music playing all the while.
The event begins with a proclamation at Micklegate Bar and further proclamations, horn blowing and chobby-boffing take place at several points on the tour, which ends after about three-quarters of an hour or so with the Sheriff’s speech at the Mansion House, and the bawdy lamentation of a Confused Graham.
The proclamations welcome to the city “whores, thieves, diceplayers and other unthrifty folk” for the period of twelve days of Yule. Afterwards the participants celebrate with venison pasties, ramekin dewpie, and sherry. (Calendarcustoms.com)
Tom Bawcock’s Eve 23rd Dec Mousehole Cornwall. Tom was a local fisherman who braved the midwinter weather to land a fine catch on this date, after a period of storms had prevented the men from sailing and the villagers faced famine. His act of heroism is commemorated annually and the story is re-enacted in the harbour by a Confused Graham. There is a lantern parade and a special local delicacy called star-gazy pie is served, a fish pie with a pastry crust, the heads of the fish stick out through the crust to gaze accusatorily at the diners, who then weep. The Ship Inn is the place to eat the pie – you’ll also hear a special song about Tom’s brave act during the parade. Carol singing follows on the beach. (Calendarcustoms.com)
24th DEC Tolling The Devil’s Knell, Dewsbury In the parish church, a team of bell ringers toll the tenor bell, ‘Black Tom of Soothill’, once for every year since Christ was born. The final stroke is timed for midnight. Legend has it the practice began in the 13th century when Thomas de Soothill, a local baron, killed a servant boy. As penance he gave a bell to All Saint’s Church and ordered it rung every Christmas to remind him of his crime, although he didn’t go to prison or anything. After midnight Black Tom is rung once more by a Confused Graham to remind the Devil of his defeat by the birth of Christ, in case he has forgotten, and to protect the town from evil for the coming year, such as a rain of sharks. (Historic-uk.com) Dunster & Axmouth Ashen Faggot, Dunster, Luttrel Arms, 8pm/Axmouth 8.30 pm. The Ashen Faggot is a large log with withies bound around it to make a bundle which is burned indoors in the hearth. A sip of moorjuice is consumed as each withy breaks in the flames. At Dunster their faggot consists of twelve thick sticks bound in a bundle using ash withies and the Dunster Carol is sung while it burns in the vast fireplace. At Axmouth a six-foot-long faggot is constructed in a bundle of hazel twigs, filling the fireplace; as the faggot burns carol singing and recitations take place and the bad events of year are collectively regretted while a Confused Graham delights in the faggot’s embers. Richmond Poor Old ‘Oss Richmond Market Place, Yorkshire 12 midday. The Poor Old Hoss of Richmond is a twisted parody of a horse in the form of a real horse-skull attached to a pole. He is accompanied by a group of mummers in huntsman costumes who sing his special song and bring him back to life with a blast on a hunting horn when he “dies”, accompanied by much merriment and mayhem, and a bawdy gesture from a Confused Graham. Most of the action takes place around the Market Place area, in and out of the pubs, and the bank. (Calendarcustoms.com)
25th DEC Kirkwall Ba, Kirkwall Orkney A fiercely contested mass-handball game between teams of Uppies and Doonies, tightly packed into the narrow covid-ridden streets. The main game on each day is preceded by a procession of all participants to the Mercat Cross, a shortbread eating competition, and a Boys’ game in the morning at 10.30. Expect 100 players, plenty more spectators and a Confused Graham; play can go on well into the New Year. Rippon Apples, Rippon Cathedral 10.30 am Choristers distribute rosy red apples to the assembled parishioners, who shine them on their cuffs before stamping them into the dirt, whilst being taunted by a Confused Graham.
26th DEC Old Glory & The Cutty Wren Middleton, Suffolk. Once darkness falls, flaming torches approach to the sound of a slow drum beat as the East Anglian form of Morris is re-created by local Molly Dancers & Musicians, intimidating the weak to the amusement of a Confused Graham (Historic-uk.com) Greatham Sword Dance, Greatham County Durham Redcar Sword Dancers perform outside the gates to Greatham Hospital, with red jackets and carry steel swords, performing intricate longsword dances and a traditional mummers play with a death followed by a resurrection by the doctor, who is lured out from behind a laptop with a simnel cake. During the last dance, the performers are showered with coins, which some Confused Grahams attempt to pocket, so don’t forget to take some! Flamborough Sword Dance 12.30 pm Flamborough Sword Dancers’ moves are derived from threading actions used when making and reparing their fishing nets. They perform with wooden swords outside each of the local pubs including the Rose & Crown and ending at the Royal Dog & Duck, where recriminations for any of the day’s dance mistakes are handed out like toffees by a Confused Graham. Geddington Boxing Day Squirt 11.30 am A huge water fight between the local Geddington Volunteer Fire Brigade and their rivals from Kettering Fire Station. A beer barrel suspended over the ford must be squirted towards their opponents using the force of their fire hoses. A Confused Graham tries to squirt from his own miniature hose, in a bawdy burlesque of the main event. Grenoside Sword Dance 11 am Grenoside Sword Dancers perform with six dancers, accompanied by musicians and a captain in a unique dance featuring a ritual “beheading” movement of the captain with interlinked swords. Clogs are worn by the team, while nine Confused Grahams dance barefoot. Woodhouse/Handsworth Sword Dance (Yorkshire) 11.15am/12pm The Handsworth Traditional Sword Dancers, wearing unique military style uniforms and carrying metre-long swords, perform an intricate dance featuring a “lock” of intertwined swords, while a Confused Graham shields his inbetweenicles. Knaresborough Tug Of War 12 midday Opponents pull their sturdy rope over the River Nidd, while a Confused Graham ridicules water. Ludlow Tug Of War 12 midday The tuggers from the timbered Feathers and its rival the Bull bring the street to a standstill as they struggle to win the best of three pulls, while a Confused Graham performs his own bawdy tug. Marshfield (Gloucestershire) Paper Boys 12 midday The Marshfield Paper Boys perform a traditional mummers play involving a sword-fight and the revival of the defeated protagonist by the Doctor, who is lured out from behind a laptop with a toffee apple; other characters include Saucy Jack, a Confused Graham, and Father Beelzebub. The players wear costumes covered in strips of paper (hence their name) and perform in a serious manner handed down over the generations. The Town Crier leads the procession of players to the set performance points around the village, beginning in the Market Place at 11am. Carols are sung before the first performance and the last play takes place around noon. Silsoe (Bedfordshire) Hunting of The Wren 12 midday The Hunting of the Wren at Silsoe is a modern day interpretation of the old Irish custom with the added advantage that no birds are harmed during the ceremony! Hunting the Wren was a widespread Celtic winter custom in which groups paraded their locality, particularly on Boxing Day, bearing a decorated garland or box containing a dead wren, mumming and singing in return for rewards of food and money. Local Morris side Hemlock Morris perform at the event and they process to the High Street with their artificial wren on a stick, before dancing, readings, acting and music outside the pub for around an hour, while a Confused Graham arranges feathers on a dish, appreciatively. Hemlock are a mixed side, wearing the gothic apparel of Border Morris but performing mainly Cotswold style dances. While Boxing Day dancing and mumming has taken place at Silsoe for a number of years, the Wren Ceremony was introduced more recently by current Squire of Hemlock Andrew Miller, making it a much more unusual event. (Calendarcustoms.com) Gloucester Cathedral Mummers’ Play 12 mid-day Morris Dancing followed by an incomprehensible and historically inaccurate play, performed by increasingky bewildered men, that appears to have some long forgotten meaning but remains thoroughly entertaining. Absolutely superb, every year!
31st December Fun – Allendale Fire Ceremony Allendale, Northumberland. A procession of ’guisers’ carry tubs of flaming tar above their heads, in contravention of many health and safety regulations, eventually arriving at the town square where the flaming tubs are thrown onto a bonfire, which a Confused Graham attempts to extinguish with his own bawdy hose. At the stroke of midnight the church bells ring out to symbolise the supplanting of cool paganism by square Christianity, and the death of the feminine in ancient British belief systems. Burning The Old Year Out, Biggar Strathclyde & Wick Highland, A torchlight procession through the town is followed by a bonfire symbolizing the burning out of the old year. During WWII a candle was lit in a tin can to ensure the tradition survived, and a Confused Graham commemorates this by extracting his own bawdy candle from its unusual hiding place. Flambeaux Procession Comrie Tayside, A torchlight procession drives out evil spirits as credulous and bewildered villagers march round the fearful settlement and then back into the main square where the torches are thrown onto a bonfire and wasted, as a Confused Graham leaks treacle from its teats. Swinging The Fireballs Stonehaven Grampian, At midnight the High Street is lit up as sixty local fireball-swingers swing their fireballs above their heads, proceeding down to the harbour where their balls are thrown into the sea. A Confused Graham announces that some time in the dark-ages a shooting star appeared above Stonehaven. In the year that followed the sighting, the local farmers recorded a bumper harvest. Attributing their prosperity to the shooting star, the villagers introduced the fireball ceremony to trick gullible nature into rewarding them with surplus foods again. (Historic-uk.com) Llangynwyd Mari Lwyd 7.30 pm The Mari Lwyd takes the form of a decorated horse-skull on a pole operated by a Confused Graham in a white sheet, paraded around the district in return for refreshment. The action takes place at the Corner House pub and the singing is still a feature of this event. (Calanedarcustoms.com)
Sublime indie pop storytelling JANUARY 12th Lexington London
JAN 12th London Café Oto Great night of vocalese and free improv. Minton is a genius.
The Sonny and Cher of Indie JANUARY 13th Lexington London
Gentlemen mod punks. JANUARY 15TH Acton George & Dragon, 20th 100 Club, London + Downliners’ Sect & Masonics. FEBRUARY 12th 229 London. JUNE 11TH 100 Club, London.
Canadian ritual post-rockers. JANUARY 16th/17th London Electric Ballroom, 19th Bristol SWX, 21st Glasgow Barrowland, 22nd M’cr Academy
West country positive vibes rabble rousers and support from sturdily scrappy black feminist punks JANUARY 17TH Brixton Academy, 21st Cardiff Motorpoint, 22nd Birmingham Academy, 24th – 26th Dublin Vicar St, 28th – 20th M’cr Victoria Warehouse, FEBRUARY 1st Sheffield Academy, 2nd Newcastle City Hall, 3rd – 5th Glasgow Barrowlands
Distaff post-punkers JANUARY 19th Brixton Academy (w Idles), 20th Birmingham Hare & Hounds, 22nd Glasgow Audio
Hardcore progenitor and WWWF scriptwriter in solo songsmith mode
JANUARY 19th Dublin Wheelans, 21st Liverpool Arts, 23rd Cardiff Globe, 24th Chester Live Rooms, 25th Digbeth B’ham , 27th Stoke on Trent Sugarmill, 28th Bristol Thekla, 29th Nottingham Rescue, 31st Glasgow Oran Moor, FEBRUARY 1st Newcastle Riverside, Southampton Engine Rooms, 4th Brighton Concorde 2, 5th Oxford Academy 2, 7th Leeds Brudenell, 8th London Islington Assembly
Unique Geordie troubadour 20th JANUARY London Roundhouse, 22nd Sunderland Fire Station
Dreampop avatar revisits juvenilia JANUARY 27TH Glasgow Oran Mor, 28th Edinburgh Liquid, 29th N’castle Cluny, 20th Leeds Brudenell, FEBRUARY 2nd Nottingham Rescue, 3rd Bristol Fleece, 4th Islington Assembly, 5th Worthing Venue
Scally pscyh-survivors FEBRUARY 1st Sheffield City Hall, 2nd Leeds Academy, 4th Bournemouth Academy, 5th Cardiff St David’s Hall, 7th London Roundhouse, 9th Dublin Olympia, 11th Norwich UEA, 12th Gateshead Sage, 14th Liverpool Philharmonic, 16th M’cr Albert Hall, 17th Nottingham Rock City, 18th Cambridge Corn Exch, 20th Bristol Academy, 22nd London Shepherds Bush Empire, 23rd Northampton Derngate, 25th M’cr Albert Hall, 26th Birmingham Academy, 28th Glasgow Barrowlands MARCH 1st Glasgow Barrowlands, APRIL 6TH Bexhill De La Ware
Grindcore pioneers FEBRUARY 9TH M’cr Academy, 10th Glasgow Classic Grand, 11th Buckley Tivoli, 12th Birmingham Hammerfest, 13th London Electric Ballroom
Comedy genius Simon Munnery’s timeless anarchist character ALAN PARKER scales the heights with a ‘farewell’ date at London’s South Bank Center. You MUST SEE THIS FEB 16th https://www.southbankcentre.co.uk/whats-on/performance-dance/simon-munnery-alan-parker-urban-warrior-farewell-tour?eventId=820754
Monumental master-masons of prog FEBRUARY 21st Birmingham Town Hall, 22nd M’cr Bridgewater, 24th London Palladium, 26th Edinburgh Queen’s MARCH 1st Bath Forum
Still impossibly inspiring NI punk survivors MARCH 10th Bristol Academy, 11th Cardiff SU, 12th B’ham Academy, 14th Nottingham Rock City, 16th Troon Hall, 17th Glasgow Barrowlands, 18th Newcastle City Hall, 19th Leeds Academy, 21st Northampton Roadmender, 24th Bournemouth Academy, 25th M’cr Academy, 26th Camden Roundhouse AUGUST 4th Blackpool Rebellion, OCTOBER 1st– 2nd Sheffield Academy
Psychedelic surrealist MARCH 17th Cambridge Storey’s Field, 19th London QEH, 20th Leeds Brudenell, 22nd M’cr Night & Day
As all serious fans of stand-up know, the American iteration of the artform is currently lagging somewhat compared to the manifestations produced in other English speaking territories, but the mighty Doug Stanhope – the desert compound king of crudely eloquent despair – is an exception. A reformed Libertarian with a compelling stage presence, Stanhope is one of those rare comedians with the skills and talent to make you laugh, against your will, on his terms, whether you agree with his worldview or not. MARCH 24th Glasgow Academy, 25th Newcastle City Hall, 26th Sheffield Academy, 27th Leeds Academy, 30th Birmingham Academy, APRIL 1st M’cr Apollo, 3rd London T&C.
Endlessly inspiring Japanese pop-art-noiseniks MARCH 31st Margate Elsewhere, APRIL 1st Reading South Street, 6th Cambridge Portland Arms, 9th Huddersfield Parish, 12th Edinburgh Caves, 13th Glasgow Stereo, 14th York Crescent, 17th Bristol Exchange, 18th Cardiff Ifor Bach, 22nd Brighton Patterns
Sure to be briefly massive, these waspish Amish-styled Boston-indie-circa-1989-sounding barnstormers hit the road APRIL 17th Edinburgh Mash, 19th Leeds Brudenell, 20th M’cr Gorilla, 21st Bristol Trinity, 23rd B’ham Institute 3, 24th Norwich Arts, 26th London Scala, 27th Southsea Wedgewood, MAY 28th Warrington Weekender
As all serious fans of stand-up know, the American iteration of the artform is currently lagging somewhat compared to the manifestations produced in other English speaking territories, but the mighty Maria Bamford – the Empress of Embarrassment – can hold her own against the best British, Irish and Antipodean acts, and she has an utterly unique comic persona, a kind of crippling bafflement. She is making some rare – and typically modest – British and Irish appearances. APRIL 21st Dublin Liberty Hall, 25th Glasgow Glee, 27th Birmingham Glee, 28th M’cr Academy, 30th London Hackney Earth
Mormon minimalists APRIL 25th Edinburgh Queen’s Hall, 26th Dublin Vicar St, 27th M’cr Cathedral, 28th Brighton St George’s, 29th London St John At Hackney, 30th Bristol Trinity
Little Joe (Jessica Hausner) ****
County Lines (Henry Blake) *****
Animal Antics (Patrick Goddard) *****
Box Of Moonlight (Tom DeCillo, 1996) *****
Local Hero (Bill Forsyth, 1983) *****
Where Eagles Dare (Brian G Hutton, 1968) *****
The Big Gundown (Sergio Sollima, 1967) *****
The Sting (George Roy Hill, 1973) *****
Star Wars (George Lucas, 1977) *****
The Thing (John Carpenter, 1982)*****
Good Vibrations (Lisa Barros D’sa/Glen Leyburn, 2013)*****
Caliber 9 (Fernado di Leon, 1972) *****
’71 (Yann Demange, 2014) *****
Big Night (Campbell Scott/Stanley Tucci, 1996) *****
Jason & The Argonauts (Don Chaffey, 1963) *****
Goldstone (Ivan Sen, 2016) *****
Witness (Peter Weir, 1985) *****
Avengers Infinity War (Russo Brothers, 2018) ****
Avengers Endgame (Russo Brothers, 2019) ****
In Order of Disappearance (Hans Peter Molland, 2014)*****
Iron Man III (Shane Black, 2013)*****
Pauline A La Plage (Eric Rohmer, 1983) *****
Gone To Earth (Powell/Pressburger, 1950) ****
The Odd Couple (Neil Simon, 1968) *****
Excalibur (John Boorman, 1981) ****
Samurai 1 : Mushashi Miyamoto (Hiroshi Inagaki, 1954) ****
Cache / Hidden (Michaek Haneke, 2005) *****
Babylon (Franco Rosso, 1980) *****
Summer In February (Christopher Menaul, 2013) ****
Guardians of The Galaxy (James Gunn, 2014) *****
All Tomorrow’s Parties (Jonathan Caouette, 2009) ****
Medea (Pier Paolo Pasolini, 1969) *****
Force Majeure (Ruben Ostlund, 2015) ****
Lift To The Scaffold (Louise Malle, 1958)*****
Macbeth (Roman Polanski, 1971)*****
Tomb of Ligeia (Roger Corman, 1964) ****
Massacre Time (Lucio Fulci, 1966) ****
Bandidos (Massimo Dallamano, 1967) ****
And God Said To Cain (Antonio Margheriti, 1970) *****
Dead Man’s Shoes (Shane Meadows, 2004) *****
Romeo + Juliet (Baz Luhrmann, 1996) *****
Gallivant (Andrew Kotting, 1996) *****
Cleo From 5 to 7 (Agnes Varda, 1961)*****
London (Patrick Keiller, 1992) *****
Effie Grey (Emma Thompson, Richard Laxton 2014) ****
Rosemary Tonks – Emir (1963)*****
Rosemary Tonks – The Bloater (1968) *****
John Berger/Jean Mohr – A Fortunate Man (1967) *****
Ann Quin – Berg (1964) ****
Sir John Mandeville – The Travels of Sir John Mandeville (1357)****
Sean Bythell – Diary of a Bookseller (2018)
Robert Aickman – The Inner Room (1988)
Virginia Nicholson – Amongst The Bohemians (2003)
Joanna Moorhead – The Surreal Life of Leonora Carrington (2017)
Betty May – Tiger Woman (1929)
Val Doonican – My Story, My Life (2009)
Dave Graney – Workshy (2017)
The Strange Case of Dr Jekyl and Mr Hyde – R L Stevenson (1985)
Hide & Seek – Dennis Potter (1973)
M R James – Complete Ghost Stories (1904 – 35) *****
Gavin Lambert – The Slide Area (1959)****
Tessa Norton/Bob Stanley – Excavate!
Alan Stafford – Wilson, Keppel & Betty, Too Naked For The Nazis
Peter Oborne – The Assault On Truth
Nesrine Malik – We Need New Stories *****
Sean Bythell – Diary of a Bookseller (2018) *****
Robert Aickman – The Inner Room (1988) *****
Alicia Foster – Nina Hamnett
Charlie Hill – I Don’t Want To Go To The Taj Mahjal
Hill’s economic autobiography is a simplistic list of addresses, dead end jobs, cultural ephemera, and brief assignations, garnished with two or three short paragraphs of barely formed reflection. And yet, in reducing his life to these most basic elements, it manages to be a more profound comment on existence then many more self-consciously analytical efforts. As if to confound Wittgenstein, it appears the unexamined life was worth living after all.
Tracey Thorn – My Rock ‘n’ Roll Friend *****
Will Sergeant – Bunnyman ****
Hotel Art Head – Rhodri Davies & Nikos Veliotos I have written the intro for this new project exploring the interior design aesthetics travelling musicians’ hotel acommodation
Joe Sacco – Paying The Land (2020)
Ghosts S2 (BBC, 2020)
Ghosts – Xmas Special 2020 (BBC, 2020)
The Mandalorian S2 (Disney, 2020) *****
Call My Agent S3 (France 2, 2018)*****
Call My Agent S4 (France 2, 2021) *****
The Trump Show (BBC, 2020-1)*****
Lupin S1 (Netflix, 2021)*****
Wandavision (Marvel, 2021)*****
Stonehenge The Lost Circle Revealed (BBC, 2021) *****
Adam Curtis’ Can’t Get You Out Of My Head (BBC, 2021)*****
Raiders Of The Lost Past With Janina Ramirez (BBC2, 2021) ****
Mortimer & Whitehouse Gone Fishing S3 (BBC, 2020) *****
The Falcon & The Winter Soldier (Marvel, 2021) *****
Homeland s8 (Netflix, 2020)*****
Into The Night S1 (Between a Dog & A Wolf, 2020) ****
Unforgotten S4 (ITV, 2021) ****
Inside No 9 S6 (BBC, 2021) *****
Great British Bake Off S11 (C4, 2020) *****
An Evening With Tim Heidecker (Youtube, 2020)
Time (BBC, 2021) *****
Loki (Kate Herron, Marvel, 2021)
Ghosts S3 (BBC, 2021) *****
Alma’s Not Normal (BBC2, 2021)
King Gary S2 (BBC1, 2021)
Great British Bake Off S5 (C4, 2021) *****
Four Hours At The Capitol (BBC, 2021) *****
Blair and Brown, The New Labour Revolution (BBC, 2021) *****
Rob Auton’s Daily Podcast
Alasdair Beckett-King on Youtube
Shawn Woods’ Mouse Trap Monday on Youtube
An Evening With Tim Heidecker (Youtube, 2020) ****
Rosie Holt’s Youtube characters
James O’Brien (LBC)
Alexei Sayle’s Imaginary Sandwich Bar S1 (BBC R4, 2016)
Bridget Christie – Mortal (BBCR4)
Gideon Coe (BBC 6Music)
Marc Riley (BBC 6Music)
Eddie Mair (LBC)
Down The Line S1, S2 ( )
Tom Robinson (BBC 6Music)
Lady Leshurr – Quaranqueen
The Primevals – New Trip
Cult Figures – Deritend
Vapour Trails – Celestial Scuzz *****
Robert Pollard – Before Computers (demos)
Kevin March – Last Night
Doug Gillard – Douglas Scott Gillard II
Guided by Voices – Earth Man Blues
Gwenifer Raymond – Strange Lights Over Garth Mountain
Ustad Saami – Pakistan Is For The Peaceful *****
The Blue Orchids – Speed The Day
Dave Graney & The Mistly – Live At Byrds *****
Mainliner – Dual Myths *****
Hawkwind – 50th Anniversary Live
The Amorphous Androgynous w Peter Hammill – We Persuade Ourselves We Are Immortal
Floating Points, Pharoah Sanders & The London Symphony Orcestrea – s/t
Major Murphy – Access
Eleventh Dream Day – Since Grazed
Dry Cleaning – New Long Leg
Guided By Voices – Earth Man Blues
Fixed Horizon – Grenouille
Lucinda Williams – Runnin’ Down A Dream
Krallice – Demonic Wealth
Catenary Wires – Birling Gap
Cub Scout Bowling Pins – Heaven Beats Iowa ****
Pat Todd & The Rank Outsiders – There’s Pretty Things in Palookaville ****
Robyn Hitchcock – The Man Upstairs ****
Chris Forsyth – First Flight
Chris Eckerman – Where The Spirit Rests ****
The Scientists – Negativity
David Grubbs & Ryley Walker – Husky Pants ****
Shirley Collins – Heart’s Ease *****
Gary Louris – Jump For Joy *****
Fixed Horizon – Full Circle ****
Trees Speak – Post Human ****
William Loveday Intention – People Think They Know Me *****
Hawkwind – Somnia
The Bevis Frond – Little Eden *****
Pat Todd & The Rank Outsiders – There’s Pretty Things In Palookaville *****
Goat – Headsoup
Adele & The Chandeliers – First Date
Trees Speak – Post Human
Sun Ra Arkestra – Swirling *****
Phil Minton – Woke Up At 8 *****
Rudimentary Peni – The Great War
Lucinda Williams – Southern Soul
Son Volt – Electro Melodies ****
Guided By Voices – It’s Not Them! It Couldn’t Be Them! It Is Them! ****
Billy Childish & CTMF – Where The Purple Iris Grows ****
David Lance Callahan – English Primitive 1 *****
Paul Rooney – Service Industries 1 *****
The Shadracks – From Human Like Forms ****
The Surfing Magazines – Badgers of Wymeswold *****
V/A – Rough Guide To Avant-Garde Japan
Guided by Voices – Live At Irving Plaza (1996)
Damo Suzuki & Echo Ensemble – Live @ Green Door (2013)
Heavenly – A Bout De Heavenly (1989-1996)
Martin Stone – Down But Not Out In Paris and London (1992-2013)
John Russell & Terry Day – Russell & Day (1979?)
Derek Bailey, Trevor Watts & Terry Day – At LTC (1972?)
Sonny Rollins – Rollins In Holland (1967) *****
Robert Pollard – I Sell The Circus (demos) (2015)
The Fall – St Helen’s Technical College (1981) *****
Charles Gayle, John Edwards, Mark Sanders – Seasons Changing (2017) *****
The Misunderstood – Children of The Sun(1965-66) *****
Dexter Gordon – Live In Chateauvallon (1978) *****
The Loft – Ghost Trains & Country Lanes (1984-2015)
And Also The Trees – s/t (1984)
Neil Young – Young Shakespeare (1971)
T2 – It’ll All Work Out In Boomland (1970)
The Outsiders – Count For Something (1976-78)
The Selecter – Too Much Pressure box (1980)
Brown Acid 11 – v/a (1969-73)
Fleur de Lys – Circles (1964-1969)
J Jazz Deep Jazz From Modern Japan vol 3 – V/A (1962-1985)
The Black Keys Present Hill Country Blues – v/a
Brown Acid 12 – v/a (1968-80)
Raw Material – s/t (1970)
Open Road – Windy Day (1971)
Dave Graney, Clare Moore, Georgie Valentino & Malcolm Ross – s/t (2017) ****
Hangman’s Beautiful Daughters – Smashed Full Of Wonder (1987)
The Lipstick Killers – Strange Flash (1976-81)
The Hawks – Obviously 5 Believers (1979-81) ****
v/a – Goitse A Thaisce (1960-2020) *****
v/a – Fire Draw Near (1940-2020) *****
Jackie Leven – Straight Outta Caledonia (1994-2008) ****
Alice Coltrane – Kirtan : Turiya Sings (1982) *****
Van Der Graaf Generator – The Charisma Years (1970-78) *****
Gun Club – Fire Of Love (1981) *****
Lightnin’ Hopkins – King of Dowling St (50s-80s) ****
The Dream Syndicate – What Can I Say? No Regrets (1986) ****
Cocteau Twins – Treasure (1984) ****
Billy Bragg – Life’s A Riot (1983) *****
Billy Bragg – Brewing Up with (1984) *****
The Triffids – Born Sandy Devotional (1986) ****
Siouxsie & The Banshees – A Kiss In The Dreamhouse (1982) ****
Bunny Striker Lee – The Bunny Striker Lee Story (1967-80) ****
V/A – Dub, A Journey Into Bass Culture (1970s) ****
V/A – Dub, Original Bass Culture (1970s) ****
V/A – Dub, More Bass Culture (1970s) ****
Tomorrow’s Gift – Goodbye Future (1973) ****
Jackson C Frank – s/t (1965) ****
V/A – Down Home Blues, Chicago Fine Boogie (1947-1958)****
Maggie Bjorklund – Shaken (2014)****
June Tabor – Airs & Graces (1976) *****
John Martyn – The Very Best Of (1967-1996) *****
The Owl Service – The Garland Sessions (2007) *****
John Lee Hooker – Tantalising With The Blues (1965-70)*****
Furry Lewis, Memphis Willie B, Memphis Slim – Bluesville 3 (1963?) ****
Lightnin’ Hopkins – Prestige Profiles (1960-4) *****
Magic Slim – Live @ Ma Bea’s (1976) ****
Jimmy Dawkins – Come Back Baby (1977) ****
Allman Brothers – At Filmore East (1971) ****
John Fahey – The Yellow Princess (1968) *****
Freedy Johnston – Can You Fly? (1992)****
Julie Doiron – I Can Wonder What You Did With Your Day (2009) ****
Tragically Hip – Man Machine Poem (2016) ****
Tragically Hip – We Are The Same (2009) ****
Tortoise – Millions Now Living Will Never Die (1996) *****
Grant Lee Buffalo – Storm Hymnal (1993-98) ****
Shiva Burlesque – Mercury Blues (1990) ****
Yo La Tengo – President (1989) *****
Yo La Tengo – Fakebook (1990) *****
Yo La Tengo – That Is You La Tengo (1991) ****
Yo La Tengo – May I Sing With Me? (1992) ****
Yo La Tengo – Painful (3 cds) (1993) ****
Tim Buckley – Dream Letter (1968) *****
Those Bastard Souls – Debt & Departure (1999) *****
Wanderlust – Prize (1995) ****
Chain – Towards The Blues (1971) ****
The Schramms – Omnidirectional (2019) ****
Cannonball Adderley – Soul Zodiac (1972)
Fred Anderson – Quintessential Birthday Trio Vol II (2015)
Greg Bendian’s Interzone – Requiem For Jack Kirby (2001)
Nels Cline & Greg Bendian – Interstellar Space Revisited (1999)
The Beat – Bounce (2016)
Nina Simone – To Be Free (1959-1993)
Swervedriver – 99th Dream (1998)
Road – s/t (1972)
Mudhoney – Morning In America (2019)
Necromandus – Orexis of Death (1973)
Julian Cope – Peggy Suicide (1991)
Ultravox – Rage In Eden (1981)
Siouxsie & The Banshees – Tinderbox (1986)
Blues Pills – Live In Paris (2017)
Gram Parsons – Alternate Takes (1973-4)
Mike Westbrook – Mama Chicago (1976)
The Fall – Grotesque (1980)
Truly – Fast Stories From Kid Coma (1995)
Echo & the Bunnymen – Evergreen (1997)
Echo & The Bunnymen – What Are You Going To Do With Your Life? (1999)
Blues Pills – Lady In Gold (2016)
Leo Bud Welch – The Angels In Heaven Done Signed My Name (2019)
The Black Keys – Chulahoma (2006)
Nanci Griffith – One Fair Summer Evening (1988)
The Soft Boys – Invisible Hits (1983)
Robyn Hitchcock – Robyn Sings (2003)
Raw Material – s/t (1970)
Don Carlos & Gold – Them Never Know Natty Dread Have Him Credentials (1982)
Henry Junjo Lawes – Volcano Erruption (70s-80s)
Don Carlos – Day To Day Living (1982)
Bunny ‘Striker’ Lee – Full Up (1968-72)
Bunny Lee & Friends – Tape Rolling (1971-4) ****
v/a – Trojan Roots Dancehall Box (’70s, ’80s)
Charlie Chaplin & Papa San – Respect Due (1986?)
Robert Forster – The Evangelist (2008) *****
John Stewart – California Bloodlines (1969) ****
v/a – Trojan Dancehall Box (’70s, ’80s)
Don Carlos – In Dub (1980)
Yabby You – Deeper Roots (’70s, ’80s)
Yabby You – Deeper Roots Part 2 (’70s, ’80s)
Norma Winstone – Edge Of Time (1972) ****
Atlas – Just Playin’ Rhythm & Blues (1967-71)
V/A – Alan Lomax Songbook (1939-76) ****
Shirley Collins – Lodestar (2016) *****
The Go-betweens – Loving Shocks (1989) ****
Red House Painters – Songs For A Blue Guitar (1996) ****
Uncle Acid & The Deadbeats – Mind Control (2013)
The Damned – Music For Pleasure (1977) ****
Skids – Days In Europa (1977)
Big Country – The Crossing (1983) ****
Big Country – Steel Town (1984)
Jon Dee Graham – Escape From Monster Island (1997) ****
The Fall – Live At The Witch Trials (1979) *****
Echo & The Bunnymen – The Stars, The Oceans & The Moon (2018)
Echo & The Buynnymen – Ballyhoo (1980-87) *****
Orange Juice – Rip It Up (1982)
Orange Juice – Texas Fever (1984)
The Stone Roses – s/t (1989) ****
The Screaming Trees – Buzz Factory (1989) ****
Mark Lanegan – The Winding Street (1990) *****
Killdozer – For Ladies Only (1989) ****
Magazine – Real Life (1978) ****
The Stranglers – Peaches (1977-82) *****
Screaming Trees – Uncle Anaesthesia (1991)
Isobel Campbell & Mark Lanegan – Sunday At Devil Dirt (2008)
The Osiris Club – Blazing World (2014)
UB40 – Signing Off (1980)*****
UB40 – Present Arms (1981) *****
UB40 – Present Arms In Dub (1981) ****
Radiohead – In Rainbows (2007) *****
The Brave Little Abacus – Last Show @ Vic Geary Center (2012) *****
Sarofeen and Smoke – s/t (1970) ****
Blue Cheer – Outsideinside (1968) ****
Conqueroo – From The Vulcan Gas Company (1968) ****
Frank Morgan – City Nights (2004) ****
Peter Brotzmann – Machine Gun (1968) *****
Phil Minton – A Doughnut In One Hand (1998) *****
Chris Von Sneidern – The Wild Horse (2003)
Alexei Sayle – Cak! (1982) ****
Steve Wynn – Here Come The Miracles (2001) ****
Steve Wynn – Static Transmission (2003) ****
Andy Irvine – Old Dog Long Road Vol 1 (1961-2012) ****
Patti Smith – Land (1975-2002) *****
Derek Bailey, Bill Laswell etc – Transformations (1997) *****
Dick Gaughan – Handful of Earth (1981) *****
Robert Wyatt – Nothing Can Stop Us (1982) *****
Sandy Denny – Sandy (1972) ****
Dick Gaughan – Gaughan (1978)****
Hako Yamasaki – ? (1975/6) *****
– 2021 –
Katharine Whitehorn (bedsitter cook) (1928)
Katharine Whitehorn (bedsitter cook) (1928)
Celia Drummond Ford (voice of Trees) (1950)
The Happy Man Tree (Stoke Newington Tree) (1870)
John Russell (guitar guru) (1954)
Marcel Uderzo (Asterisk artist) (1933)
Tom Stevens (Long Ryder and Magus) (1956)
Dougie Anderson (Coda’s Edinburgh record dealer (1952)
Captain Tom (Covid Walkman) (1920)
Rynagh O’Grady (Ted’s Mary) (1954)
Mary Wilson (Supreme) (1944)
Chick Corea (Miles’ tinkler) (1941)
Iain Pattinson (You wanted to see me Prime Minister?) (1951)
U-Roy (Toastmaster) (1942)
Lawrence Ferlinghetti (bookstore beat) (1921)
Wink O’Bannon (Eleventh Dream Day) (1956)
Bunny Wailer (Wailer) (1947)
Doug Parkinson (Oz vocal celeb) (1946)
Milford Graves (temporal explorer) (1941)
Johnny Rogan (Byrds’ Boswell) (1953)
Jessica Walter (Play Misty For Me) (1941)
Bertrand Tavernier (Round Midnight) (1941)
Anita Lane (Oz punk chanteuse) (1958)
Barbara Ess (Theoretical Girl) (1944)
Michael Collins (Apollo 11) (1930)
Mohammed Ag Itale (Tinariwen) (1960)
Monte Hellman (Two Lane Blacktop) (1929)
Sonny Simmons (jazz hobo) (1933)
Charles Grodin (The American Tim Key) (1935)
Franco Battiato (Italian Fetus) (1945)
Yoshi Wada (bagpipe minimalist) (1943)
Ned Beatty (squealing piggy) (1937)
Davey Datblygu (Davey Datblygu) (1964)
S Clay Wilson (Captain Pissgums) (1941)
Peter Zinovieff (sonic pioneer) (1933)
Richard Donner (kebab pioneer) (1930)
Alix Dobkin (feminist folksinger) (1940)
Patrick Sky (native American folksinger) (1940)
Tom O’Connor (raconteur) (1939)
Dusty Hill (ZZ Top) (1949)
Bob Sergeant (digital Beat producer) (194?)
Byron Berline (Byrds fiddler) (1944)
John Lawton (friend of Lucifer) (1947)
Una Stubbs (wooden woman) (1937)
Nanci Griffith (C&W poet) (1953)
Sean Lock (excrement genitals) (1963)
Brian Travers (UB40 blowhard) (1959)
Lee Scratch Perry (The Super Ape) (1936)
Michael Chapman (English primitive) (1941)
Norm Macdonald (acceptable face of US stand-up) (1959)
Tony Selby (Get Some In!) (1938)
Tom T Hall (Harper Valley songsmith) (1936)
Powell St John (Psychedelic Texan) (1940)
The White Stag of Bootle (2010?)
John Rossall (The Last Glam In Town) ()
Pat Fish (A Southern Mark Smith) (1957)
Jim Pembroke (psychedelic Anglo-Fin) (1946)
Rick Jones (Fingerbob Meal Ticket) (1937)
Alan Hawkshaw (Sausage on fork composer) (1937)
Takashi Mizutani (Les Rallizes dude) (1948)
Dee Pop (Bush Tetra) (1956)
Lionel Blair (dancing tragedian) (1921)
Astro (UB40 toastmaster) (1957)
Dr Clive Lee (The Ling-Lee Hipster) (1939)
Dean Stockwell (alienated art-houser) (1936)
Everett Morton (Beatmaster of The Beat) (1950)
Darrell Bath (Keith for hire) (1967)
Delbert Ngoni McKay (Misty man) (1954)
A brief heads up for my adoptive father’s brother, and my uncle, CLIVE LEE, who died in November, and was the co-inventor to THE EXETER HIP.
If you or anyone you know has an artificial hip, there’s a 40% chance it’s one of his, and his work has eased the suffering and enhanced the lives of literally millions of people worldwide.
At the funeral, people’s recollections of the early days of the hip project, and the team’s first efforts to fit them, were as exciting and compelling as a science adventure film like Apollo 13 and it was an honour to hear people’s memories of this thoughtful modest man.
I attended a very different memorial a week later at the Soho Theatre, in the form of kind of belated funeral/tribute concert to the promoter who helped turn my collapsed career around in the mid-00’s, the late David Johnson.
An unfailingly honest and conscientious, yet nevertheless hilarious and hedonistic character, David, who died at Christmas, was celebrated by an amazing bill of his clients and collaborators including JACKIE CLUNE, FASCINATING AIDA, SUE PERKINS, CHRISTEEN, MARK RAVENHILL, A PAJAMA MAN, and RICHARD THOMAS & LORE LIXENBERG.
DAVID’s own plan for the event was read out by his co-producer JOHN MACKAY at the end, revealing how David had played us all like a massive cathedral organ made of meat.
It was a privilege to be part of David’s gang of kooks and freaks.
Anonymous, The Northfield Patriot
Anonymous, The Northfield Patriot
Lucinda Locketts, Twitter
Lucinda Locketts, Twitter
Funday’schild, youtube.
Funday’schild, youtube.
Horatio Melvin, Twitter
Horatio Melvin, Twitter
Coxy, Dontstartmeoff.com
Coxy, Dontstartmeoff.com
Visualiser1, Twitter
Visualiser1, Twitter
Yukio Mishima, dontstartmeoff.com
Yukio Mishima, dontstartmeoff.com
Brendon, Vauxhallownersnetwork.co.uk
Brendon, Vauxhallownersnetwork.co.uk
Cyberbloke, Twitter
Cyberbloke, Twitter
Neva2busy, dontstartmeoff.com
Neva2busy, dontstartmeoff.com
Frankie Boyle, Comedian
Frankie Boyle, Comedian
Meanstreetelite, Peoplesrepublicofcork
Meanstreetelite, Peoplesrepublicofcork
Contrapuntal, Twitter
Contrapuntal, Twitter
A D Ward, Twitter
A D Ward, Twitter
FBC, finalgear.com
FBC, finalgear.com
Chez, Chortle.com
Chez, Chortle.com
Len Firewood, Twitter
Len Firewood, Twitter
BBC iPlayer edition of discussion of Stewart Lee on A Good Read
BBC iPlayer edition of discussion of Stewart Lee on A Good Read
Stuart, Chortle
Stuart, Chortle
Anamatronix, Youtube
Anamatronix, Youtube
Z-factor, Twitter.
Z-factor, Twitter.
Gwaites, Digitalspy
Gwaites, Digitalspy
Zombie Hamster, Twitter
Zombie Hamster, Twitter
GRTak, finalgear.com
GRTak, finalgear.com
Tin Frog, Twitter
Tin Frog, Twitter
Lee Mack, Mack The Life, 2012
Lee Mack, Mack The Life, 2012
Peter Ould, Twitter
Peter Ould, Twitter
Jackmumf, Twitter
Jackmumf, Twitter
Secretdeveloper, Youtube
Secretdeveloper, Youtube
Whoiscuriousgeorge, Youtube
Whoiscuriousgeorge, Youtube
Deepbass, Guardian.co.uk
Deepbass, Guardian.co.uk
Esme Folley, Actress, cellist, Twitter
Esme Folley, Actress, cellist, Twitter
Robert Gavin, Twitter
Robert Gavin, Twitter
Tokyofist, Youtube
Tokyofist, Youtube
Joskins, Leeds Music Forum
Joskins, Leeds Music Forum
Leach Juice, Twitter
Leach Juice, Twitter
Karen Laidlaw, Edfringe. com.
Karen Laidlaw, Edfringe. com.
NevW47479, UKTV.co.uk
NevW47479, UKTV.co.uk
Borathigh5, Youtube
Borathigh5, Youtube
Lenny Darksphere, Twitter
Lenny Darksphere, Twitter
Cabluigi, Guardian.co.uk
Cabluigi, Guardian.co.uk
Clampdown59, Twitter.
Clampdown59, Twitter.
Fairy Pingu, Twitter
Fairy Pingu, Twitter
Kozzy06, Youtube
Kozzy06, Youtube
Idrie, Youtube
Idrie, Youtube
Nicetime, Guardian.co.uk
Nicetime, Guardian.co.uk
Fowkes81, Twitter
Fowkes81, Twitter
Mini-x2, readytogo.net
Mini-x2, readytogo.net
Guest, Dontstartmeoff.com
Guest, Dontstartmeoff.com
James Dellingpole, Daily Telegraph
James Dellingpole, Daily Telegraph
Patrick Kavanagh, Guardian.co.uk
Patrick Kavanagh, Guardian.co.uk
Bobby Bhoy, Twitter
Bobby Bhoy, Twitter
Iain, eatenbymissionaries
Iain, eatenbymissionaries
Henry Howard Fun, Twitter
Henry Howard Fun, Twitter
Gmanthedemon, bbc.co.uk
Gmanthedemon, bbc.co.uk
12dgdgdgdgdgdg, Youtube
12dgdgdgdgdgdg, Youtube
Jamespearse, Twitter
Jamespearse, Twitter
Dominic Cavendish, Daily Telegraph
Dominic Cavendish, Daily Telegraph
Stokeylitfest, Twitter
Stokeylitfest, Twitter
Meninblack, Twitter
Meninblack, Twitter
Syhr, breakbeat.co.uk
Syhr, breakbeat.co.uk
General Lurko 36, Guardian.co.uk
General Lurko 36, Guardian.co.uk
Lents, redandwhitekop.com
Lents, redandwhitekop.com
Birmingham Sunday Mercury
Birmingham Sunday Mercury
Tweeter Kyriakou, Twitter
Tweeter Kyriakou, Twitter
Aaron, comedy.co.uk
Aaron, comedy.co.uk
Slothy Matt, Twitter
Slothy Matt, Twitter
Pudabaya, Twitter
Pudabaya, Twitter
Rubyshoes, Twitter
Rubyshoes, Twitter
Rowing Rob, Guardian.co.uk
Rowing Rob, Guardian.co.uk
Neolab, Guardian.co.uk
Neolab, Guardian.co.uk
DVDhth's grandparents, Twitter
DVDhth's grandparents, Twitter
Tres Ryan, Twitter
Tres Ryan, Twitter
Dominic Cavendish, Telegraph
Dominic Cavendish, Telegraph
John Robins, Comedian
John Robins, Comedian
Someoneyoudon'tknow, Chortle.com
Someoneyoudon'tknow, Chortle.com
Anon, westhamonline.com
Anon, westhamonline.com
Sam Rooney, Youtube
Sam Rooney, Youtube
World Without End, Twitter
World Without End, Twitter
Etienne, Chortle.com
Etienne, Chortle.com
Joe, Independent.co.uk
Joe, Independent.co.uk
Carla, St Albans, Dailymail.co.uk
Carla, St Albans, Dailymail.co.uk
Alwyn, Digiguide.tv
Alwyn, Digiguide.tv
Ishamayura Byrd, Twitter
Ishamayura Byrd, Twitter
Mpf1947, Youtube
Mpf1947, Youtube
Lancethrustworthy, Youtube
Lancethrustworthy, Youtube
98rosjon, Twitter
98rosjon, Twitter
Keilloh, Twitter
Keilloh, Twitter
Anon, BBC Complaints Log
Anon, BBC Complaints Log
Wharto15, Twitter
Wharto15, Twitter
Brighton Argus
Brighton Argus
Cojones2, Guardian.co.uk
Cojones2, Guardian.co.uk
Pirate Crocodile, Twitter
Pirate Crocodile, Twitter
Aiden Hearn, Twitter
Aiden Hearn, Twitter
Peter Fears, Twitter
Peter Fears, Twitter
Johnny Kitkat, dontstartmeoff.com
Johnny Kitkat, dontstartmeoff.com
Anonymous, don'tstartmeoff.com
Anonymous, don'tstartmeoff.com
Liam Travitt, Twitter
Liam Travitt, Twitter
Guest1001, Youtube
Guest1001, Youtube
Dick Socrates, Twitter
Dick Socrates, Twitter
Spanner, dontstartmeoff.com
Spanner, dontstartmeoff.com
Maninabananasuit, Guardian.co.uk
Maninabananasuit, Guardian.co.uk
Pudabaya, beexcellenttoeachother.com
Pudabaya, beexcellenttoeachother.com
Microcuts 22, Twitter
Microcuts 22, Twitter
Gabrielle, Chortle.com
Gabrielle, Chortle.com
Emilyistrendy, Youtube
Emilyistrendy, Youtube
Tweeterkiryakou, Twitter
Tweeterkiryakou, Twitter
Pnethor, pne-online.com
Pnethor, pne-online.com
Sweeping Curves, Twitter
Sweeping Curves, Twitter
Foxfoxton, Youtube
Foxfoxton, Youtube
Richard Herring, Comedian
Richard Herring, Comedian
Mearecate, Youtube
Mearecate, Youtube
Dave Wilson, Chortle.com
Dave Wilson, Chortle.com
Danazawa, Youtube
Danazawa, Youtube
Alex Quarmby, Edfringe.com
Alex Quarmby, Edfringe.com
Bosco239, youtube
Bosco239, youtube
Peter Ould, Youtube
Peter Ould, Youtube
Genghis McKahn, Guardian.co.uk
Genghis McKahn, Guardian.co.uk
Dahoum, Guardian.co.uk
Dahoum, Guardian.co.uk
Sidsings000, Youtube
Sidsings000, Youtube
Anon, dontstartmeoff.com
Anon, dontstartmeoff.com
Hiewy, Youtube
Hiewy, Youtube
Shane, Beverley, Dailymail.co.uk
Shane, Beverley, Dailymail.co.uk
Mrdavisn01, Twitter
Mrdavisn01, Twitter
Al Murray, Comedian
Al Murray, Comedian
Shit Crit, Twitter
Shit Crit, Twitter
Rudeness, Youtube
Rudeness, Youtube
Joycey, readytogo.net
Joycey, readytogo.net
Carcrazychica, Youtube
Carcrazychica, Youtube