

Showing 33 results for: 2024

We swallow Sunak’s pasty gaffe but still dine out on Miliband’s bacon butty - February 2024 The Observer - By Stewart Lee - February 18th, 2024

Earlier this month, Rishi Sunak went to the economically depressed, wealthy second-home owners’ paradise of Cornwall, which is now £230m down as the Conservative government’s promises to replace funding lost from the EU because of Brexit remain predictably unmet. Take back control! Enjoy your fish!! What did the EU ever do for us? The Eden…

The chilling soulless cruelty of Rishi Sunak is the stuff of nightmares - February 2024 The Observer - By Stewart Lee - February 11th, 2024

On Tuesday morning I woke in Liverpool with a start, my heart hammering after a night of the most wretched thoughts. The last thing I had seen before I lurched into a fitful sleep had been a foul thing – that Rishi Sunak and Piers Morgan summit – and the day had begun in the…

Only votes from the dead can keep this zombie Tory government alive - February 2024 The Observer - By Stewart Lee - February 4th, 2024

If the dead could vote, who would they vote for? And what would the deceased community make of the Britain they have left behind? For example, in ye olden times Britain, before there were privatised water companies to keep us clean and hydrated, a famous warning cry went out when people threw their urine and…

1) BASIC LEE The tour of the current stand-up show, tours nationwide from January 20th 2024. Then it will be finished in April. Dates here; February 2024 Friday 2nd February 2024 – The Hawth, Crawley – TICKETS Saturday 3rd February 2024 – Symphony Hall, Birmingham – TICKETS Sunday 4th February 2024 – William Aston Hall,…

If the National Trust can be captured by a fake grassroots group, what public institution is safe? - January 2024 The Observer - By Stewart Lee - January 28th, 2024

Ah! The turning of the seasons! Once it was always early summer, as swifts swooped from gables, when the private limited company Restore Trust would announce the “anti-woke” candidates it hoped to parachute on to the National Trust board. As the elephant hawk-moths emerged in the simmer dim, Restore Trust would unveil would-be guardians of…

Like all supervillains, the Tories will meet their match - January 2024 The Observer - By Stewart Lee - January 21st, 2024

On Wednesday, the former environment secretary Thérèse Coffey, on whose watch the deregulated post-Brexit waterways of Britain turned into rivers of human excrement, with only Feargal Sharkey to speak for them, tried to score a sarcastic point off Yvette Cooper, the shadow home secretary. Cooper “can’t even get the name of the country right, talking…

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