

Showing 97 results for: Book

Hometown Tales: Birmingham - June 2018 June 28th, 2018

Hometown Tales is a series of books pairing exciting new voices with some of the most talented and important writers at work today. Some of the tales are fiction and some are narrative non-fiction – they are all powerful, fascinating and moving, and aim to celebrate regional diversity and explore the meaning of home. In…

Stewart Lee - October 2014 Linkis - By Botzarelli - October 26th, 2014

Mrs B says I look like an Indian Stewart Lee. I am not him, I can’t see the resemblance really. I’m more a younger Salman Rushdie, or Keith Vaz, maybe David Baddiel when I have a beard. Or Carlos the Jackal. Not Stewart Lee. Although I do have a similarly receding hairline, my hair is…

Miscellaneous Press Quotes - December 2012 Miscellaneous - December 31st, 2012

‘What could’ve emerged as a monumental act of hubris is rescued by Lee’s humility, wit and intelligence. Together with annotated insight into three outstanding stand-up shows, he mingles obtuse autobiography with acute essays on the state of British comedy from the alternative era onwards.’ Paul Whitelaw, Word (10 Best Books of 2010) ‘…contained unexpectedly deep…

‘Like Samuel Beckett’s dog, chained to its own vomit’ - January 2012 Bookmunch - January 23rd, 2012

Hard on the heels of Top Gear presenter Jeremy Clarkson’s latest gaff comes The ‘If You Prefer a Milder Comedian, Please Ask For One’ EP, a short book that works in a similar fashion to How I Escaped My Certain Fate, Stewart Lee’s last book (Lee tells us to View that book as a 122…

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