FOR the first time in his life, Stewart Lee has run out of things to say. This former provoker of rightwing Christians and frequent presider over ‘corduroy Nurembergs’ now spends his humdrum days either driving between gigs, on a relentless touring schedule spurred by his TV rebirth, or reluctantly watching vintage Scooby Doo episodes as…
If someone invited you to a two- hour stand-up routine by an ultra post-modern comedian, so sophisticated that he satirises himself, his audience and all the big names on the circuit, you might pass and ask to see a panto instead. But Stewart Lee’s humour is the opposite of pretentious. Sure, his new show, Carpet…
Stewart Lee is probably the cleverest comedian working in Britain, and his past few shows have moved increasingly into what might be called anti-comedy, both in the sense of taking a well-aimed swipe at TV’s narrow, unambitious definition of stand-up, and in that he delights in pushing the form until it strains at the seams.…