

Showing 150 results for: Interview

Lee makes the most of second chance - February 2010 East Anglian Daily Times - By Wayne Savage - February 27th, 2010

“I’M sort of past the age at which people get discovered and yet I seem to have been given a second chance, so I’ve been very lucky,” says comedian, writer and director Stewart Lee. He’s performed stand-up since he was 20, contributed to various BBC radio comedy shows and directed the Mighty Boosh’s 1999 breakthrough…

Stewart Lee Interview – The List - February 2010 The List - By Brian Donaldson - February 25th, 2010

In his new show, Stewart Lee compares himself to a raft of personalities who appear to have let themselves go: Ray Liotta, Morrissey, KD Lang and Terry Christian among them. In the flesh, 41-year-old Lee might be barely recognisable from the comedic waif who, alongside stand-up mucka Richard Herring, snarled and sneered at life’s pomposities…

Interview: Stewart Lee, Leicester Square Theatre - December 2009 The Observer - By Sean O'Hagan - December 6th, 2009

A prolonged nervous hush has settled on the audience at the Yvonne Arnaud theatre in Guildford. It is broken only by scattered yelps of anxious laughter and the sound of Stewart Lee quietly, inexorably pushing the boundaries of what is comedically acceptable. He is halfway though a typically discursive and increasingly extreme routine about the…

Marsha Meets… - December 2009 December 1st, 2009

In December 2009, Stew was interviewed by Marsha Shandur for her XFM “Marsha Meets…” podcast. Subscribe to Marsha’s podcast on iTunes here.

MassMovement Interview - December 2009 MassMovement - By Leigh - December 1st, 2009

2009 has been an exciting year for Stewart Lee. His TV show, ‘Comedy Vehicle’ aired on BBC2 to critical acclaim. This enabled Stewart to break out of the arts centre circuit and play large theatres for his new show for the year, If You Want A Milder Comedian Please Ask For One. Having seen the…

Leftfield Laughs - November 2009 Western Daily Press - By Natalie Hale - November 13th, 2009

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