After a successful return to the UK’s TV screens earlier this year with his BBC show Stewart Lee’s Comedy Vehicle, our titular hero is embarking on a full tour. Who’s Laughing Now had a chat with to delve beneath the literate stand-up’s exterior and find out what to expect on his current jaunt, which stops…
IF YOU’VE not heard anything from Stewart Lee since his 90’s television work, you might be surprised to learn his recent comedy is blasphemous. That’s according to fundamentalist Christians at least, who did not enjoy his ‘Jerry Springer: The Opera’. The show depicted American chatshow host Springer descending into hell and Jesus, Satan, the Virgin…
IF You Prefer A Milder Comedian, Please Ask For One is the provocative title for Stewart Lee’s tour which brings the comedian to Worthing’s Pavilion Theatre on Wednesday, October 7, at 8pm. It’s an adults-only show from the co-writer of Jerry Springer the Opera and comes inspired by an altercation in a high street coffee…