

Showing 30 results for: King Rocker

STEWART LEE VS THE MAN-WULF John Mackay & Sally Homer, in association with Debi Allen/Curtis Brown present STEWART LEE vs THE MAN-WULF BRAND NEW SHOW LEICESTER SQUARE THEATRE, LONDON 3rd December 2024 – 17th January 2025 AND UK TOURING THROUGHOUT 2025 In this brand-new show, Lee shares his stage with a tough-talking werewolf comedian from…

‘The only time I wanna see ‘big break’ and ‘Stewart Lee’ in the same sentence, will also involve his spinal column’ – Centerist Thug, Twitter YOU CAN PROVE ANYTHING WITH FACTS – IN T-SHIRT FORM !!! Crime is down 14%, but only if you ignore Fraud, which has bloomed under lockdown, in which case it…

YOU CAN PROVE ANYTHING WITH FACTS – IN T-SHIRT FORM !!! Crime is down 14%, but only if you ignore Fraud, which has bloomed under lockdown, in which case it is up. Boris Johnson didn’t attend any parties under lockdown, except all of the ones which he did attend under lockdown. The vaccine could only…

THE KING ROCKER LONDON SCREENING 16th DEC A tiny teenage girl Hackney Hipster version of Stewart Lee stands outside the Dalston Rio cinema to declare… “Our labour of love Nightingales rockumentary King Rocker knocks most rockumentaries into a cocked hat. “I loved every minute” – Ben Dowell, The Times **** Financial Times **** Chortle “One…

1) KING ROCKER CINEMA TOUR Our labour of love Nightingales rockumentary King Rocker really landed. I arrogantly think it knocks most rockumentaries into a cocked hat and will cheer you up no end in the awful times. “I loved every minute” – Ben Dowell, The Times **** Financial Times **** Chortle “One of the best…

In addition to the usual stuff below, some extra things i. Stewart Lee – Unreliable Narrator. This is an Archive on 4 slot I was recruited into by Michael Umney, who made radio art at Resonance 104.4 FM, and we have tried to have some fun with the brief whilst also fulfilling its demands. See…

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