

Showing 30 results for: King Rocker

FROM THE METRO-LIB-ELITE DESK OF Stewart Lee Feb 21 - January 2021 January 30th, 2021

KING ROCKER – SKY ARTS FREE TO AIR (Freeview Channel 11) – SAT FEB 6TH 9PM Please look after yourselves in the ongoing unknown world and don’t take any unnecessary risks. Keep fit and keep your brains ticking over with books and films and music and don’t get sad and mad. Look out for each…

Adventures In Music – Brum Radio - January 2021 January 29th, 2021

Broadcaster Adrian Goldberg hosts his music based radio show: Adventures in Music on Brum Radio. Adrian takes you on a journey through gigs he’s attended, tracks that are important to him and talks to guests who are part of that story. This week, Adrian is joined by Stewart Lee and Michael Cumming to discuss their…

Kermode On Film Ep. 125: King Rocker Special - January 2021 January 19th, 2021

Mark talks to comedian Stewart Lee and director Michael Cumming about their new documentary King Rocker Special – Mark talks to comedian Stewart Lee and director Michael Cumming about their new documentary on Rob Lloyd – singer with punk bands The Prefects and The Nightingales

KING ROCKER A film about Robert Lloyd and The Nightingales PREMIERES FEBRUARY 6TH ON SKY ARTS (Freeview channel 11) (9PM). ”FEROCIOUSLY ENTERTAINING” MOJO ★ ★ ★ ★ Comedian Stewart Lee and director Michael Cumming (Brass Eye, Toast of London), investigate a missing piece of punk history: Robert Lloyd, best known for fronting cult Birmingham bands…

“Ghastly, puritanical, po-faced, sanctimonious, finger-wagging, Woke-Witchfinder-in-Chief” Toby Young, Twitter “Sphincter-poppingly angry, totally unamusing and uninsightful, and painfully, excruciatingly right-on. A bitter, politically correct member of the Remain-voting liberal elite. The type of comedy which is not designed to provoke laughter so much as solemn head-nodding and applause at the politically correct sentiment.” James Delingpole, Steve…

Rock’s Back Pages Ep 83 - September 2020 September 14th, 2020

In this week’s episode, we invite cult meta-comedian and out-there-music connoisseur Stewart Lee to discuss the new documentary he’s made about Prefects/Nightingales legend Robert Lloyd. Stewart also pitches in on RBP’s new audio interview, a 1991 conversation ‘twixt the late Andy Gill and everyone’s favourite choirboy-voiced Commie Robert Wyatt. In addition we consider the week’s…

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