

Showing 102 results for: Merchandise

Experience how it feels to be the subject of a blasphemy prosecution! Find out why ‘wool’ is a funny word! See how jokes work, their inner mechanisms revealed, before your astonished face! In 2001, after over a decade in the business, Stewart Lee quit stand-up, disillusioned and drained, and went off to direct a loss-making…

Following his hugely acclaimed TV come-back, Comedy Vehicle, Lee finds himself spent and in search of ideas for a new Edinburgh show. On a long walk across London, he endures a coffee shop humiliation involving a loyalty card, which suggests itself as a comedy routine about everyday life that anyone could enjoy. Later that month,…

The Perfect Fool - October 2018 October 30th, 2018

My first novel, released in June 2001 by Fourth Estate. From the back of the book: “The Perfect Fool” charts the progress of a collection of misfits, spread across the wide open spaces of Arizona & the narrow streets of South London, all unwittingly caught up in a quest for the Holy Grail. Mr Lewis…

Lee & Herring’s Fist Of Fun Cash In Book - October 2018 October 30th, 2018

The Lee And Herring’s Fist Of Fun cash-in book is a classic of the genre, now fetching vastly inflated prices. A flip book version has been scanned and uploaded here (there’s also a PDF version available on the same site, or you can try to buy it here.

What Would Judas Do? - October 2018 October 30th, 2018

WHAT WOULD JUDAS DO? Was first performed in the autumn of 2006 at Battersea Arts Centre as one of their enormously important, work-in-progress Scratch Nights. The idea was to know the story of the last week of Judas’ life as well as possible and then kind of throw it away, and tell it anecdotally, like…

Pea Green Boat - October 2018 October 30th, 2018

A 25 minute audio cd or luxury 10″ vinyl single of my pretentious art-comedy piece PEA GREEN BOAT is now available from There’s download version too. This is a new version, different to the Radio 4 version.

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