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90s Comedian ★★★★ - August 2005 Metro Scotland - By Mickey Noonan - August 9th, 2005

90s Comedian ★★★★ - August 2005 Emporium of Mirth - August 8th, 2005

So, Stewart Lee is back for the second year in a row. This pleases me, especially as even though he is sometimes seen as the nineties comedian the title of his show suggests, he’s lost nothing of his skill, talent, or even hilarity. Although, watching this years show you do start to wonder if he…

90s Comedian ★★★★ - August 2005 Three Weeks - August 8th, 2005

For a man who spent the early part of this year being vilified by sixty thousand Christian evangelists for his part in ‘Jerry Springer: The Opera’, Stewart Lee does not appear the least bit remorseful. In fact, rather than consigning this unsavoury period to memory, Lee commits himself to a relentless onslaught on all those…

90s Comedian ★★★★★ - August 2005 Fest Magazine - August 7th, 2005

Stewart Lee’s in Edinburgh this year to see how much we can take. And we’ve made him do it. The creator of the controversial Jerry Springer: The Opera has, he informs us, had a rough year. But he’s come out fighting; if we’re going to condemn him as Britain’s biggest blasphemer then he’s going to…

90s Comedian ★★★★★ - August 2005 Chortle - By Steve Bennett - August 7th, 2005

Most comedians who consider themselves dangerous like to make an awful lot of fuss about it. They shout and scream and intimidate the audience with their angry, righteous indignation – after all, that’s what Bill Hicks did (sometimes), and he was damn good. But in life, the most dangerous things don’t telegraph themselves, their stealth…

90s Comedian - August 2005 The Guardian - August 6th, 2005

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