“This is the end… …of our elaborate plans, the end of everything that stands, the end no safety or surprise, the end” Jim Morrison of The Doors wrote these words about a failed relationship 50 years ago but he could just as easily have been speaking about the demise of All Tomorrow’s Parties (ATP). The organisation…
We appeared on All Tomorrow’s Parties 2.0 curated by a famous comedian Stewart Lee. It became the 2nd time to play for us since 2010. 当日は、昼にマンチェスターのホテルをチェックアウトして、まずはお昼ご飯。私はイタリアンを頂きました。 We checked out the hotel in Manchester at noon and went to eat lunch I had Italian dishes. 道が少し混んでいて2時間半かかって会場到着。会場は、ファミリー向けリゾート施設「ポンティンズ」。海の近くにあるので、夏休みは家族連れで賑わうでしょう。今はオフシーズンなので、ATPの貸切です。ここ、レトロな雰囲気がいいなぁ。 Getting a little traffic jam, we took 2 and a…
You probably won’t like Stewart Lee, which will mean he’s doing his job. That job, being a professional stand up comedian, which he celebrates when viewing it through a lens of improvisational jazz and performance art. Yet he’ll be simultaneously mocking and tearing it down as a stupid line of work, compared to prostitution that kills…
What is wrong with the following gag? “John Whittingdale: a man who, if he saw the aurora borealis twinkling over a Scandinavian snowfield would only see a missed opportunity for a public-private finance initiative.” According to Stewart Lee’s account of his critics’ (“young comics”) reaction to it, quite a lot of his peers think there…