WHAT is it, I wondered, as I scrolled through the pages of some of the most excoriating and vicious reviews I’ve seen, that makes any comedian want to post stuff like that on their website? A milder selection includes: “A cultural bully from the Oxbridge Mafia who wants to appear morally superior but couldn’t cut…
THE comedian dubbed the “master of the callback” and the “world’s greatest living stand-up” proved he was just that during a two-night run in Sheffield City Hall. Stewart Lee’s latest tour, Snowflake/Tornado, is two 60-minute shows of the highest calibre sliced together. The first-half, Tornado, is inspired by the inaccurate description Lee’s show was accidentally…
Stewart Lee’s latest show ‘Tornado/Snowflake’ revolves around two things that have been written about him. Firstly, the Netflix blurb for his show Stewart Lee: Content Provider which inexcusably describes the outrageous plot for the horror B-movie Sharknado: “Reports of sharks falling from the skies are on the rise again. Nobody on the Eastern Seaboard is…
Theatregoers will be aware that it is a rare night when the queue for the men’s outstrips the queue for the women’s toilet. The toilet queue as a feminist issue has been discussed by Caroline Criado Perez in her book, Invisible Women. Where could I have been where the length of the comfort break queue…
So much goes on, and on so many levels, during Stewart Lee’s latest stand-up performance that it’s even harder than usual to describe. Cerebral, confrontational and laugh-out-loud funny, it’s the work of a master at his peak. Four years ago he playfully announced to a Nottingham audience that “no-one is equipped to review me”. I…