

Showing 324 results for: The Observer

Why Brexit Britain is turning purple with shame - April 2022 The Observer - By Stewart Lee - April 17th, 2022

Like a bald man masturbating alone into an open pedal bin, Boris Johnson’s Brexit Britain disgusts itself. And yet, despite being observed on the gents’ toilet’s security camera that is the modern world stage, it continues its abasement unabashed. After the second world war, the German volk were described as experiencing kollektivschuld, a national shame.…

Putin tied Boris Johnson up in his own trousers - March 2022 The Observer - By Stewart Lee - March 13th, 2022

A nakedly corrupt and evidently narcissistic leader, surrounded by a phalanx of accommodating acolytes, enriched his supporters with liquidised public assets and spurious government schemes, flagrantly broke international treaties, trashed domestic political standards, systematically flooded social media with fake news, used his power over the press to spread disinformation over many decades, sought to destabilise…

The government’s Flickr photo-diary is a spoof unto itself - February 2022 The Observer - By Stewart Lee - February 20th, 2022

Did you know the UK government had a Flickr account? A fast-moving succession of unexplained photographs create an impression that things involving Tory politicians are happening, at a very high level, and at some speed, but offer no explanation of what they mean. It is perfect – the taxpayer-funded, vanity-engineered photo-diary of a group of…

In the name of God, let Sue Gray do her job - January 2022 The Observer - By Stewart Lee - January 23rd, 2022

I’m back on the road until August with my five-star standup show, Snowflake Tornado, mouthing confirmation-bias to packed rooms of masked elitists. Over six nights at the Oxford Playhouse, I saw the familiar and friendly staff and crowds return, though the historic Eagle and Child pub sadly appears to have closed. It was here in…

How committed is No 10 to toppling the topplers? - January 2022 The Observer - By Stewart Lee - January 9th, 2022

In the old days, vandals and hooligans simply knocked things over, be they flowerpots, bus stops, old ladies or standards of common English decency. But these days anything that is knocked over, as long as it is knocked over with a sense of clear moral purpose, isn’t merely knocked over, it seems, but “toppled”. Indeed,…

The night I met Christ at a bus stop in Dalston - January 2022 The Observer - By Stewart Lee - January 2nd, 2022

“The poor are always with us. So speaks the man who has not learned to use a whip correctly!” And also thus spake the unsung genius comedian Simon Munnery, in character in his 90s parody of impotent bedsit fascism, The League Against Tedium. The act seems arguably less satirical today as its best lines have…

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