

Showing 506 results for: Written For Money

Only Aamon the demon is fit to replace Jeremy Corbyn - December 2019 The Observer - By Stewart Lee - December 22nd, 2019

Boris Piccaninny Watermelon Letterbox Cake Bumboys Vampires Haircut Wall-Spaffer Spunk-Burster Fuck-Business Fuck-the-Families Get-Off-My-Fucking-Laptop Girly-Swot Big-Girl’s-Blouse Chicken-frit Hulk-Smash Noseringed-Crusties Death-Humbug Technology-Lessons Surrender-Bullshit French-Turds Dog-Whistle Get-Stuffed FactcheckUK@CCHQ Get-Brexit-Done Johnson is finally your elected prime minister! And the past decade’s worth of my multi-award-winning satirical standup sets seem like the sagely predictions of a seer. Sometimes I scare…

At Costa Coffee, Michael Gove spilled the beans… - December 2019 The Observer - By Stewart Lee - December 15th, 2019

The World Anti-Doping Agency (Wada) finally called Russia’s bluff last week and banned its enhancement-addled athletes, many of them little more than skin sacks full of amphetamines and Calpol, from major world sporting events for the next four years. Perhaps it was this that saw sister organisation the World Anti-Lying Agency (Wala) inspired to flex…

Michael Gove’s love of Stormzy is not to be sniffed at - December 2019 The Observer - By Stewart Lee - December 1st, 2019

Many years ago, while wearing a Navajo jacket, I was accused of cultural appropriation. I told the zealot harassing me the jacket was a gift from a Native American shaman-clown, under whom I had studied. She backed down, humiliated, like Major General Arthur St Clair before the forces of Little Turtle and the Potawatomi, at…

Anyone for a portion of finger-lickin’ Tory lies? - November 2019 The Observer - By Stewart Lee - November 24th, 2019

On Monday, the crusading investigative journalist Piers Morgan interviewed Jennifer Arcuri, the spurned 10-year business associate of Boris Piccaninny Watermelon Letterbox Cake Bumboys Vampires Haircut Wall-Spaffer Spunk-Burster Fuck-Business Fuck-the-Families Get-Off-My-Fucking-Laptop Girly-Swot Big-Girl’s-Blouse Chicken-frit Hulk-Smash Noseringed-Crusties Death-Humbug Technology-Lessons Surrender-Bullshit French-Turds Get-Stuffed FactcheckUK@CCHQ Johnson. Shortly before being ridiculed by a bluntly Scottish Lorraine Kelly, the disputed tech-entrepreneur…

What Britain really needs now is a credible Liam Neeson figure - November 2019 The Observer - By Stewart Lee - November 17th, 2019

In the Forest of Dean, an undiscovered stone circle emerged from the moss; in the east Midlands, the former high sheriff of Derbyshire herself was swept away by floodwater; and on Remembrance Sunday, searching the cemetery for war dead, I was lead instead by a cawing crow to the hidden grave of the music hall…

Boris Johnson’s rogues play as dirty as the Russians - November 2019 The Observer - By Stewart Lee - November 10th, 2019

Clues to the causes of the tragedy of Grenfell Tower are at last emerging, and they do appear to be providing some comfort. For example, people who died in the fire, according to Jacob Rees-Mogg, lacked “common sense”. The inferno could thus be viewed as a useful cull of some of society’s least valuable members,…

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