

Showing 504 results for: Written For Money

‘Oh, Jeremy Clarkson’. Is that any better as a Glastonbury chant? - July 2017 The Observer - By Stewart Lee - July 2nd, 2017

Jeremy Corbyn appeared at the Glastonbury CND festival, as part of an ongoing comeback more surprising than Dylan’s 1997 Time Out of Mind turnaround. Like Dylan, a contrary Corbyn refused to give his enthusiastic new fans what they wanted. A last-minute set amendment pledging to block Brexit would have displaced even the Wombles from all-time…

Only that woman from the DUP can save us from Brexit now - June 2017 The Observer - By Stewart Lee - June 25th, 2017

Brexit promises evaporate. The hot, wet lie-farts of the liar Boris Johnson, trapped in the glamping yurt of his trousers since last year’s referendum, are now contained no more. Europa leans forward decisively, pulls down the foreign secretary’s pants, and sets his foul gases free. And guess what? They stink. I write on Wednesday backstage…

Michael Gove and the DUP getting into bed? Now that’s offensive - June 2017 The Observer - June 18th, 2017

With counterintuitive brilliance, the Conservatives have assembled a cabinet full of the same ashen-faced misfits voters already rejected. They have wrecked a failing pub in an insurance flood and rebuilt it, not as flats or a leisure centre, but as an identical failing pub. Johnson, Hunt and Gove. It’s as if DC Comics, having mislaid…

Chronicle of May’s fiasco foretold in a urine stain - June 2017 The Observer - By Stewart Lee - June 11th, 2017

It’s 8.29am on Friday now and I have to file this column in two hours 31 minutes. I awoke at 6am, to watch the bloody election results coagulate, in a hotel room in Tunbridge Wells, a town so solidly middling it has been twinned with a branch of Carluccio’s. But last Sunday, I had seen…

It’ll take more than cheese and ceramics to reunite our divided country - June 2017 The Observer - By Stewart Lee - June 4th, 2017

Wake up and smell the covfefe and tell the spinning corpse of Robin Day the news. The old politics is over. This election is no longer a choice between left and right, between traditional working-class or middle-class allegiances, between self-interest and concern for others. It is a new kind of choice. It is a choice…

A papal encounter with the bat-faced duck-lion - May 2017 The Observer - By Stewart Lee - May 28th, 2017

Beelzebub, the gluttonous emperor of hell, master of calumny, foremost in wickedness and crime, is a fallen angel who presides over the Order of the Fly. Some say he is as high as a tower. Others say he has the figure of a snake, but with the generative organs of a young woman, and the…

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