

Showing 504 results for: Written For Money

Cameron’s monkeys are feasting on the BBC’s nuts - July 2015 The Observer - By Stewart Lee - July 12th, 2015

In January 2014, when a critically endangered water lily was stolen from Kew Gardens, the former Conservative MP Louise Mensch tweeted on her Twitter, “Got to say what’s the point? Ordinary plant hardly worth saving.” The Conservatives can’t even see the point of flowers. It’s asking a lot to expect them to see the point…

It’s too late to save our world, so enjoy the spectacle of doom - July 2015 The Observer - By Stewart Lee - July 5th, 2015

In the middle of a week of record temperatures, as if unaware of the irony, the business community celebrated the consolidation of its attempts to force the government’s hand to agree to a third filth-generating runway at Heathrow, tipping all species on Earth towards extinction. Everything will die soon, except for cockroaches, and Glastonbury favourite…

Stewart Lee previews Robert Lepage - July 2015 The List - By Stewart Lee - July 3rd, 2015

Every August, Stewart Lee arrives in Edinburgh determined to experience a life-changing cultural event. For the comedian, bets don’t come much safer than on a Robert Lepage production I’ve worked at the Edinburgh Fringe every year since 1987, except in 2001 when I was too broke to run up the usual performer debt. I used…

A passport to my lovely garden? Dream on, you wretched souls - June 2015 The Observer - By Stewart Lee - June 28th, 2015

Late in my life I have become the owner of a house with a garden. But there are very few gardens in the area of the inner city where I live and naturally my garden has become a focus of envy from the deserving poor. Last Sunday I was in my garden, drinking fine champagne…

Top Gear: can any mortal control this foul, pulsating orifice? - June 2015 The Observer - By Stewart Lee - June 21st, 2015

The Britpop DJ and breakfast television innovator Chris Evans is a brave man. But perhaps he has a suicidal streak. Or maybe, more nobly, he has discovered a belated desire to do some good in the world, as if to atone for the crimes of his past, before walking willingly to his inevitable doom. Like…

Britain’s got talent, but don’t trust these clowns to find it - June 2015 The Observer - By Stewart Lee - June 14th, 2015

Today I took my four-year-old to London zoo, where I am currently appearing as the pre-recorded voice of a spider, Morgan Freeman having proved unavailable. A handler had a snowy owl on his wrist. The bird appeared comfortable with its “as seen in Harry Potter” tag, and was yet to do anything as drastic as…

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