“CONTENT PROVIDER” reads the backdrop on the Philharmonic stage, behind a set made of just that – content.
Specifically, piles of other stand-up comics’ DVDs, which Stewart Lee bought online for 1p each, during the bouts of insomnia brought on by the nightly exertions of his sweaty, energetic on-stage persona.
The piles – of Russell Howard and Lee Mack and Michael MacIntyre and Jack Whitehall and Rob Beckett and Greg Davies and who knows who else – are like Chekhov’s gun. The ancient rule of drama states that if you see a gun on stage, you know it will be fired by the end of the play; once you see Lee’s piles of Mock The Week’s finest, you know at some point in the evening he’s going to kick them over and stamp on them, swearing and sweating pure distilled impotent rage.
He does so just after the midpoint of the first act, when the stage lights turn blue to wash out the words “CONTENT PROVIDER”, at the exact moment Lee casually drops into the conversation the BBC’s decision to axe his award-winning Comedy Vehicle. The moment signals a tightening of the set after a fun but slightly chaotic intro. He’s not written any material about Brexit, he tells us, before an opening half-hour almost entirely about Brexit. It’s met with warm applause, in a place Lee describes as one of the “shining citadels” of Remain voters.
But he – or rather, his stage self – is not happy with us, especially those of us who’ve brought friends along who don’t really get him. It’s nothing new for those familiar with Lee’s schtick, but it takes on an added pertinence as his routine about the difficulty of making successful comedy in a divided country ends with him dividing the audience into proper fans and their interloping friends.
Throughout Content Provider, division – discontent, in fact – is a running theme. He’s up there, we’re down here; he’s the wanderer, we are the sea of fog. “If this doesn’t go well tonight, the fault isn’t on this side of the stage,” he chides.
He does a bit, and we laugh, and he tells us we didn’t laugh at the right time, or loud enough. This is classic Lee – and will have sounded a lot fresher to the newbies he claims to despise. He may pretend that the stand-up comic’s dream gig is “a sold-out theatre of empty seats”, but we all know better.
You’re left with the impression that however much Stage Stew claims to despise us, Real Stew will always have a soft spot for his audience – as he exits the stage not to the side, but by diving into the fog. Into us.
He looks almost content.
Stokeylitfest, Twitter
Stokeylitfest, Twitter
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Mpf1947, Youtube
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Guest1001, Youtube
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Cojones2, Guardian.co.uk
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Peter Ould, Youtube
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Someoneyoudon'tknow, Chortle.com
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Syhr, breakbeat.co.uk
Dick Socrates, Twitter
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Al Murray, Comedian
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Johnny Kitkat, dontstartmeoff.com
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Sam Rooney, Youtube
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Coxy, Dontstartmeoff.com
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Microcuts 22, Twitter
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Genghis McKahn, Guardian.co.uk
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Borathigh5, Youtube
Borathigh5, Youtube
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Mearecate, Youtube
Mearecate, Youtube
Cabluigi, Guardian.co.uk
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Slothy Matt, Twitter
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Anonymous, The Northfield Patriot
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Pudabaya, beexcellenttoeachother.com
Pudabaya, beexcellenttoeachother.com
Guest, Dontstartmeoff.com
Guest, Dontstartmeoff.com
Shit Crit, Twitter
Shit Crit, Twitter
Pnethor, pne-online.com
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Anon, BBC Complaints Log
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Lucinda Locketts, Twitter
Lucinda Locketts, Twitter
Yukio Mishima, dontstartmeoff.com
Yukio Mishima, dontstartmeoff.com
Clampdown59, Twitter.
Clampdown59, Twitter.
Ishamayura Byrd, Twitter
Ishamayura Byrd, Twitter
BBC iPlayer edition of discussion of Stewart Lee on A Good Read
BBC iPlayer edition of discussion of Stewart Lee on A Good Read
Dominic Cavendish, Telegraph
Dominic Cavendish, Telegraph
Gwaites, Digitalspy
Gwaites, Digitalspy
Leach Juice, Twitter
Leach Juice, Twitter
Spanner, dontstartmeoff.com
Spanner, dontstartmeoff.com
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Carcrazychica, Youtube
Carcrazychica, Youtube
Joycey, readytogo.net
Joycey, readytogo.net
Wharto15, Twitter
Wharto15, Twitter
Funday’schild, youtube.
Funday’schild, youtube.
Iain, eatenbymissionaries
Iain, eatenbymissionaries
Neva2busy, dontstartmeoff.com
Neva2busy, dontstartmeoff.com
Henry Howard Fun, Twitter
Henry Howard Fun, Twitter
GRTak, finalgear.com
GRTak, finalgear.com
Fairy Pingu, Twitter
Fairy Pingu, Twitter
Lee Mack, Mack The Life, 2012
Lee Mack, Mack The Life, 2012
Aaron, comedy.co.uk
Aaron, comedy.co.uk
Karen Laidlaw, Edfringe. com.
Karen Laidlaw, Edfringe. com.
Visualiser1, Twitter
Visualiser1, Twitter
Rowing Rob, Guardian.co.uk
Rowing Rob, Guardian.co.uk
Tokyofist, Youtube
Tokyofist, Youtube
Anon, dontstartmeoff.com
Anon, dontstartmeoff.com
Fowkes81, Twitter
Fowkes81, Twitter
Alex Quarmby, Edfringe.com
Alex Quarmby, Edfringe.com
Kozzy06, Youtube
Kozzy06, Youtube
NevW47479, UKTV.co.uk
NevW47479, UKTV.co.uk
Liam Travitt, Twitter
Liam Travitt, Twitter
Emilyistrendy, Youtube
Emilyistrendy, Youtube
Maninabananasuit, Guardian.co.uk
Maninabananasuit, Guardian.co.uk
Anonymous, don'tstartmeoff.com
Anonymous, don'tstartmeoff.com
Sidsings000, Youtube
Sidsings000, Youtube
Sweeping Curves, Twitter
Sweeping Curves, Twitter
Keilloh, Twitter
Keilloh, Twitter
FBC, finalgear.com
FBC, finalgear.com
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Meninblack, Twitter
Meninblack, Twitter